Child Care Center Dell PC’s

Windows 7 or Linux

Depending on which computer you received it came with either Windows 7 or no operating system at all.  This happened because some of the older systems had Windows XP originally and that is no longer supported.  Even if the PC you received came with Windows 7 you may want to install Linux anyway due to the fact that Linux doesn’t have the virus and malware problems that Windows has.  If your computer came with Windows 7 and you plan on keeping it skip a few sections for a required driver which you may need for your system.


Which Linux Distribution

Edubuntu Logo

I have selected Edubuntu as the best choice for the dell desktops.  It is based on one of the most widely used distributions of Linux called Ubuntu.  It contains many free educational programs for kids from preschool to high school.  In the video below I will show you just how easy it is to install this operating system to the computer you received.



Windows 7

Your Windows 7 equipped pc is pretty much ready to go as soon as you plug it in.  However if you plan on using the wired ethernet connection on the back of the pc you will need to download the appropriate driver from Dell.  Dell includes a service tag with each desktop they manufacture so that it is easy to look for drivers and support on their website.  On your desktop the service tag is located on top of the tower. Here is a picture of what it looks like.

Dell Service Tag

Go to the Dell Support Page on another computer and scroll down until you see this section.

Dell Support SiteEnter the service tag from the top of your computer here and hit submit.  Click on drivers and downloads and then select your version of windows 7 64-bit or 32-bit.

Service Tag gif

Download a file similar to the one in the picture below, save it to a usb flash drive, then copy it to the Dell pc and double click on the downloaded file to install the network driver.  Your driver may have a different name then the one pictured below.  Just make sure you don’t download one of the wireless LAN drivers by mistake.

Network Driver

Once you get the driver installed restart the computer and you should have a working wired network connection.  If you have any questions or trouble installing the drivers contact me.

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